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Early Adopter Program

Be among the first to join our Early Adopters program. Limited to 50 visionary F&B companies, this is your chance to redefine the local food ecosystem.

Why join?

01. Free Marketing Exposure

We’ll spotlight your brand in our marketing efforts, including media, tradeshows and targeted advertising, wherever and whenever it’s appropriate.

02. VIP Support

Receive priority support from our team when you need immedaite assistance.

03. Early Access To New Features

Stay ahead of the competition with priority access to our latest innovations – available to you months before the wider user base.

04. Feature Requests Priority

Your feedback on feature requests will be prioritized, shaping the platform to serve you better.

05. Low Transaction Fees

Benefit from lower transaction fees at only 2.1%, maximizing your profits

Sign Up Today

Join Local Eats in this transformative journey to change how we source, sell, and consume food. Be part of this visionary change.

Sign up today

Join Local Eats in this transformative journey to change how we source, sell, and consume food. Be part of this visionary change.
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